◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(www.xys3.org)(groups.yahoo.com/group/xys)◇◇ “海归”是这样糊弄副总理的 ·方舟子· 后面是一封奇怪的公开求助信。信的作者是大连理工大学电子信息学院副 院长、“硅谷留美博士企业家协会”会长朱东屏。为什么大连理工大学的副院 长会是一个硅谷协会的会长,且不去管他。反正谁都可以在美国注册一个协会, 也都可以给协会取个漂亮的名字,“硅谷”、“留美”、“博士”、“企业家”, 这四个名词就都很漂亮。该协会自称1999年就已建立,不过据加州政府的档案, 注册时间是2001年6月29日,而在5月11日,新华社发的一篇题为“朱东屏博 士提出,西部开发要抓好信息流畅”的报道中,开头就已是“美国硅谷留美博 士企业家协会会长朱东屏博士提出”云云。先在国内打出招牌,再在美国登记 注册,这种做法我们已见识过,不算太奇怪。 奇怪的是这封信的内容。这封信公开登在“硅谷留美博士企业家协会” 的网页上。那个网站的网页都是用中文写的,读者对象很明确,但这封信却是 用英文写的,面向的对象也很明确。信中提到中国主管科教的李岚清副总理在 2001年9月访问了朱东屏在四川绵阳的公司。这应该不假,因为有登在这封信 上头的一批照片为证。信中说,李副总理对“硅谷留美博士企业家协会”的活 动很感兴趣,破例听取了18分钟的汇报。李副总理在访问时透露了两项计划: 在10年内把绵阳建成美国式的城市;让美国名校和中国名校合作在中国办学。 不知道是李副总理将完成这两项计划的重任交给了朱会长,还是朱会长毛遂自 荐,反正朱会长因此向留美的诸位公开求助了。 朱会长是“企业家”,跟美国名校没有关系,因此征求有关系者去跟美国 名校协商,这可以理解。奇怪的是,为了能设计好美国式的绵阳市,朱会长竟 征求对某一座美国中型城市的准确和完整的描述,建议应征者找一座美国城市 照一大堆相片,然后带到中国参加规划会议。莫非朱会长本人不知道美国城市 长什么样,所以需要有人帮他描述?莫非朱会长连个在美国为他拍照的会员都 没有,需要公开征集照片?莫非朱会长觉得用磕磕巴巴的英文写信,就可以把 国内的人全蒙在鼓里? 这就是为什么我看了这封奇怪的公开信后百思不得其解。发生在中国的事 情,往往超出我的想象。 2002.3.11. 附: http://www.scoba.org/china/my/primeminister.htm October 29, 2001 Dear friend, i need your help on two things that are related to vice prime minister Li Lanqing who visited me and other SCOBA people in Mianyang last month. 1) accurate and complete description of a middle-city in USA (like sunnyale).this is asked because China wants to build Mianyang city like a US city in 10 years, and overseas chinese can help on this. one way to do this is to take digital photos of daily life in Silicon valley or a city in USA, and give talks on US cities in a planned meeting in Mianyang. these photos can show all aspects of a US city, including but not limited to street sign/lights, garbage cans, parking lot, stores, schools, business, bank ATM machines, cars, highway ramp off, stop signs on streets, scenes on streets or in offices, houses, apts complex, ..... use your imagination and catch some vivid picture and bring them to china. 2) build links between US and China universities for joint graduate programs. see attachment below. I have been in sichuan, china for some time working on a IC design company in Mianyan - the new Science and Technology City declared by the Chinese central government in July of 2001. see some photos at http://www.scoba.org/china/sichuan/jzg/ and http://www.scoba.org/china/my/ Last Friday (oct 26), Vice Prime Minister Li NanQing visited our company with 8 ministers of the central government. I gave a 18-min presentation to Mr. Li and he was so impressed by SCOBA activities and our company business that he changed the meeting time from 3 to 18 minutes. At the meeting, he asked me a few quesitons about overseas chinese engineers, and we had a very interesting conversation on a few topics. Vice prime minister LI also asked me for information on how to link best chinese universities with best US universities to develop joint graduate programs in MS and Ph.D. vice minister of MOE (ministry of education) was present at the meeting. Vice prime minister Li hopes that US universities will work with chinese universities to educate MS and PHD students in China, so that chinese graduate students can obtain US MS/PhD degrees without going abroad. This requests that these US universities grant US Ms/PhD degrees to chinese students who participate in such joint graduate programs in China. He listed the best US universities as the follows: Harvard, MIT, Stanford, UC-Berkeley, and so on. Best chinese universities include Beijing Univ and Tsinghua Univ. and etc. Other universities in China and the world will also be considered. I would appreciate it if you could help me on this matter. you may help by discussing with officials at best US universities to explore the possibilities of such joint graduate programs. When feasible or possible, officials of china ministry of education will get involved in official discussions with those US universities that are interested in such joint programs. You are welcome to reply to me at zhu@scoba.org Dongping Zhu from Mianyang, Sichuan, China ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(www.xys3.org)(groups.yahoo.com/group/xys)◇◇