◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys3.dxiong.com)(www.xysforum.org)(xys.xys-reader.org)◇◇   寻正你找到那个词组了吗?   作者:Yush   引用:   http://www.xys.org/forum/db/4/51/131.html   为了方便你,我把我认输的条件调整一下:只需要你在你那几个案例的判决 书中找出“judicial independence”这一词组。这,你认为公平吗?   听说你在“忙着做传世文章”,还忙着给“理性高手”们布置了个“简单的 法制与道德问题”(http://www.xys-reader.org/blogs/xunzheng/?p=11296)?   我特别想看看“摇身一变又成了法学家”的你有没有能力解决这么简单的 “司法独立”问题,会不会使用狗狗研究搞清楚实际问题(据说你是“靠google 当法学家”的?),但又考虑到你处在百忙之中,一日高产达八篇博文(11月9 日),都快撑起读者网半壁江山了,所以,能否允许我再放宽一下条件,让你在 针对你那 “一长串案例”的相关新闻或评论中找这个词组?   寻正你百忙之中找不到那个词组我看就算了吧。再回过头来说说藐视法庭刑 事罪名。   美国案例版主已经给过你,我这里再给你一个。   李兆阳就贺梅案接受美联社记者采访时,有以下言论:   引用:   http://wenxinshe.zhongwenlink.com/home/news_read.asp?NewsID=1858我 们的控诉信以事实证明:(1)该案的主审法官偏向贝克一方,因而违背了法官庭内 行文准则,不适任该案的主法官; (2) 该案子的主审法官严重违背了法官行为准则, 法律知识不足,因而不足以任法官.   还有American Family Rights Association上登出来的一封声讨贺梅案法官 的信:   引用:    http://www.familyrightsassociation.com/horror_stories/he/to_whom_it_ma y_effect.htm   Alissandratos does not care about our laws in fact that is one of the reasons that his decisions are overturned by the court of appeals more frequently than any other judge in our system. The man is a "Tyrant" stemming from having "Little Man's" syndrome and likes nothing more than to hear his own voice. He thinks that he is God and makes this very apparent in the decisions that he makes. Our laws are in place to protect us, however when it comes to treating people fairly this judge has his own agenda and ignores laws.   ...Is this the representation that we want in OUR court system?? Remember Allisandratos is an elected official. I challenge everyone to do some research about the most controversial and overturned judge in our court system. This judge is so much of a tyrant that not only do citizens cringe when they are assigned to his court, but also a lot of lawyers will refuse to take cases assigned to this judge.   If you have ever been abused in Allisandratos Chancery Court (and there are a lot of us out there), Now is the time to speak up and make a difference. This tyrant (Allisandratos) needs to be removed from making life long decisions concerning our children!!!   This is a grave injustice that "we are allowing" if we do not do something about Allisandratos NOW! My empathy goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Jack He. Again "DO SOMETHING NOW", who knows you might just end up to the fate of his decisions!   我的问题是,你认为李兆阳和英文声讨信中的言论涉嫌藐视法庭罪吗?   提醒一下,记者说“该案的主审法官今天宣布取消自己主审该案的职 责...。”   还有“大英国体系”的:   按你的“法普”(仿照你的“文普”生造的词),似乎“大英国体系的法律” 关于“藐视法庭罪”的定罪比较宽泛。你的支持者棒棒儿为支持你,翻译了两篇 文章,其中给出了构成和不构成藐视法庭罪的条件:   一是英国藐视法庭罪1981年法案,指出“只有严重的偏见极大地危及审判时, 从而影响案子的进程,才能够被裁定为有罪”。(only cases where there is a substantial risk of serious prejudice to a trial are affected.)   二是印度Arundhati Roy案法官评论:“只有有诚意,符合公众利益,对法 官行为,司法机关和司法功能进行公平的评论,才不构成藐视法庭罪。”(fair criticism of the conduct of a judge, the institution of Judiciary and its functioning may not amount to contempt if it is made in good faith and in public interest.)(应译为“如果……就……”)   对照这两个条件,你现在仍旧认为“在英国、加拿大、印度、澳大利亚这些 大英国体系的法律中,该公开信已经是刑事犯罪”(或按你《致歉》文中更正后 的“在特定国家的限制条件,……可能会以刑事罪名藐视法庭罪被起诉 ”)吗? 也就是说,你认为《公开信》是“严重的偏见极大地危及审判”,还是“有诚意, 符合公众利益,对法官行为,司法机关和司法功能进行公平的评论”?   bluesea评:   连我都要失去耐心了。   如果你散发传单恶意攻击他人,法院当然有理由指控你。这却可以被引为不 可以评论判决。可笑。连这个都不知道还扯什么蛋。跟帮反方的家伙们凑一起, 拉点垃圾来挥舞,底下还一帮人叫好。寻正生活在美国?没生活过几年吧,去查 查,美国人集会,个人公开对判决表达自己意见的有多少?有多少被判违法的。 现在寻正和隔壁的小白(白字秀才)还有多少区别?他应该好好问问自己,而不 是来磨别人。 (XYS20081112) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys3.dxiong.com)(www.xysforum.org)(xys.xys-reader.org)◇◇