◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys1.dyndns.org)(xys888.dyndns.org)◇◇ 美国朋友评论中国官员的信 巨延 下文是我的一个美国朋友和我的通信的片段。这个朋友最近陪同中国某省的官 员在美国考察。看完这个朋友的信后感觉痛心。征得她的同意,我翻译了这段, 旨在希望官员们不要拿着国人的血汗钱到处丢脸。顺便说一下,这个朋友在中国 生活多时,对吾国十分友好,其评论不是我们通常理解的歧视。 "我整周都陪同他们(中国某省政府赴美考察的官员)。他们非常令人恼火。他 们对任何事情绝对没有任何内在的兴趣,这反而让我看来很傻。我尽力给他们安 排有趣的活动,但他们所想作的一切就是站在那里抽烟,或者吃中国菜,然后在 巴士上睡觉。他们都穿着同一种颜色的衣服,蓝的或灰的。脸上都是病病的,空 泛的表情。他们让我有些害怕,他们是主管XX省的教育的官员,这令我担忧。那 些可怜的小孩子!" I've accompanied them all week, and they're so irritating. They have Absolutely no intrinsic curiosity about anything, which of course is stupefying to me. I try to arrange interesting experiences for them, but all they want to do is stand around and smoke, or eat Chinese food and then sleep on the bus. They all wear the same colored clothing (blue and gray),and the same clammy, blank expressions on their faces. They kind of scare me. It worries me that they are in charge of education in XX Province. Those poor kids. ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys1.dyndns.org)(xys888.dyndns.org)◇◇