◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys1.dyndns.org)(xys.3322.org)◇◇ 《英雄》妙译 outsider 剧情简介: 战国末期六国征战,秦国最强. 秦始皇(陈道明)也就成了各国的敌人. 大侠无名(李连杰), 残剑(梁朝伟), 飞雪(张曼玉),如月(章子怡),长空(甄子丹) 都要刺杀秦王. 残剑在知道了秦王一统天下的大志后,为了天下苍生的安宁,放弃 了刺杀秦王的机会在长空,残剑,飞雪的帮助下来自秦国的无名获得了离秦始皇只 有十步之遥的机会---无名最厉害的剑术是"十步一杀".在为秦始皇讲述了他是如 何杀死三位大侠的故事后,无名拔剑刺向秦王.究竟结果如何 请看下面这段妙译怀疑是翻译机的杰作 (摘自《英雄》封面简介): Plot brief introduction: the 6 war Guo countries of final phase go on an expedition, the Qin Guo most strong. Qin beginning emperor (display to say clear) have also become the enmy of countries. Big swordman unknown (Li Lian Jie), incomplete sword (beam dynasty Wei), fly snow (open graceful jade), as month (chapter son happy), vast sky (Zhen son red) will assassinate Qin Wang. Incomplete sword is having known Qin Wang Yi Tong the lofty aim of world is rear. For world grey livelihood is peaceful, have given up the opportunity of assassinating Qin Wang. Vast sky, fly the help of snow and incomplete sword come down from Qin country unknown have gotten is away from Qin beginning emperor have the remote opportunity of 10 steps only -- the unknown most severe swordsmanship is "10 step one kill". For Qin beginning emperor, having narrated him, is rear, unknown pull out sword to Qin Wang. Outcome result how to. (XYS20030304) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys.dxiong.com)(xys1.dyndns.org)(xys.3322.org)◇◇