【新语丝电子文库(www.xys.org)(www.xys2.org)】 ———————————————— 密苏里州“人寿保险欺诈案”中吴征的自我辩护信 该信由吴征当时的雇主MetLife保险公司转交密苏里州保险部及法庭。 原告据此控告该保险公司诽谤。法庭认为这封信是答复保险部的调查, 享有特权,驳回诽谤的指控。 该信要点: 1)在他们(原告)23人中, 有17位是哲学博士或医学博士,1位MBA, 1位工程师,这是一个很聪明,很专业的团体, 他们是在试图利用我 们制度的缺陷。 2)这个案件不是关于人寿保险的,而是一对夫妇由于与我的个人恩怨, 联合其他人反对我。他们嫉妒我在财务上的成功,对我试图使他们美国 化、融入美国主流感到不满。我总是告诉他们已从这个国家获得巨大 利益而致富。他们甚至好几年都不纳税。要求他们忠于美国并不过分。 不幸的是,他们只忠于他们自己。 3)我和我太太曾经努力给了他们无数的帮助。 4)那些中国人,都是经历过文化大革命的,这些人是一群“红卫兵”。 文革已摧毁了道德观念,告诉人们不要相互信任,只忠于自己,经常 发生丈夫告妻子、父亲告儿子的事情。他们是无神论文化的一部分。 5)这些人相信谎言说100遍就成了真理,他们已经开始了一个毁坏我 的名誉的运动。 After receiving these complaints, MetLife's Consumer Relations Department contacted its branch manager, and asked that he obtain and provide a statement from Wu with respect to the complaints made. MetLife's Consumer Relations Department received a [*801] letter from Wu dated May 10, 1993, consisting of six single-spaced, typewritten pages. In the course of [**3] the letter, Wu described the contacts he had with some of the complaining policyholders. Wu further responded to the accusations that he had misrepresented the policies to the policyholders. In particular, Wu wrote: Among the 23 adults, 17 of them had Ph.Ds and M.Ds, 1 holds M.B.A., one engineer. All of them except for two hold graduate degrees. All adults hold college degrees. This is a group of smart, professional people who try to out-smart the system. (emphasis in original) Now let me respond to the lies of me misrepresenting the policy to them. In all of theses cases, CASS illustration was prepared and well-explained to them. Each initial sales interview took between three to five hours. All policies were delivered to them in person while I explained the policy page by page to them. A typical delivery took two hours. * * * * The accusation of them being misled into buying L95 because it was misrepresented as the best investment was ridiculous. . . . I always told them that they could not dream on ' making rich quickly' with a life insurance policy as they could with other investments. . . . The fact is, these people were sophisticated investors who were well informed [**4] of other investment options and were participants in the market before they even knew me. . . . * * * * There was no deliberate confusion of dividends and cash values. . . . CASS illustration showed them very clearly the mathematical relationship and movement between premium and cash value. There is absolutely no logical or mathematical basis for anyone to believe that dividend could be cashed after a couple years without affecting the total net payment . This is again a sheer fabrication. Financial need analysis was done in each individual case when I prepared my presentation before the initial interview . . . . * * * * In summary, this is not about the policy. This is about a couple of individuals with personal vendetta against me who . . . managed to unify some others who did not want to be left out for free insurance opportunities. Jealousy over my financial success and bitter feelings towards my efforts to Americanize them and to incorporate those individuals into mainstream U.S.A. I always told them that they have benefitted greatly from this country to become prosperous. They did not even pay tax for years. It was not too much to ask for them to have loyalty toward [**5] the U.S. Unfortunately, they only have loyalties to themselves. . . * * * * I helped almost every member of this group. My help to them included . . . help their family members to come over through my friends in the U.S. Senate and Congress . . . . My wife and I even offered to foster the children fully at our expense when some of them decided to send their kids back to China because it was a "burden to their busy schedule here in the U.S." This is the same group of people who used to call me even 12:00 a.m. to ask advises on things that had nothing to do with insurance. I did not mind then as I thought they needed my help. Now I realized that they were just taking advantage of me. One of my clients, whom this group failed to recruit, . . . called me and told me to ignore these people as they were still "Red Guards" from the Chinese Cultural Revolution that happened when these people were teenagers. (Red Guards were high school students .) The Cultural Revolution in China destroyed the moral standards and taught people to distrust and only have loyalties to themselves as it was common even for husbands to report on wives, fathers to report on sons to authorities . They are part of [**6] an atheistic culture. They also learned that a lie repeated a hundred times could become truth. They have already started a campaign to discredit me . . . . ———————————————— 【新语丝电子文库(www.xys.org)(www.xys2.org)】