◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(www.xys3.org)(groups.yahoo.com/group/xys)◇◇ 东方随想 Herbert L. Rosedale, Esq. 我最近参加了中国反邪教协会在北京召开的年会,他们邀请我发言。他们支付我 参加会议的费用,但我没有收取演讲费。我希望与各位分享我此行的感想,因为 我认为这对于清除我自己在成行前的偏见和期待十分重要。 首先,我觉得这次经历活跃了思想,而不是古板的,无新意的,或沈闷的。我发 现中国反邪教协会的成员是一群有意思的人。他们不是政治官员,而是一个各宗 教的领袖,大学教授,科学家,和工程师的组合。他们关心邪教对科学思想和理 性思考的污蔑,和邪教企图用“新世纪”和其他超自然的思维方式来取代科学思 想和理性思考。我发现他们关心的是出于宗教、政治、或对魅力领袖的无限忠诚 的狂热,这样的关心是真诚的。 (注:Rosedale 律师现任AFF 总裁) Eastern Ruminations Herbert L. Rosedale, Esq. I recently returned from attendance at the China Anticult Associations’ Annual Conference in Beijing where I was invited to speak. My expenses were paid, but I received no money for speaking. I want to share a number of impression about my trip because I think they are very important in dispelling the stereotypes and expectations I had before the experience. First of all, I found that the experience was an intellectually stimulating one and not rigid, predictable, or boring. I found the members of the Chinese Anticult Association to be a fascinating group of people. They were not political officials, but rather were a combination of religious leaders of various faiths and university professor, scientists, and engineers concerned about the cultic denigration of scientific thought and rational thinking in favor of New Age and occult modes of thought. I found a real concern about fanaticism, whether its genesis was religion, politics or an unquestioned loyalty to a charismatic leader. (American Family Foundation News Briefs, January 2002, p. 3) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(www.xys3.org)(groups.yahoo.com/group/xys)◇◇