those people who always criticize government


送交者: kma 于 2014-06-16, 12:13:11:

回答: 改开搞=买办复兴,人民遭殃: 高铁票价高上座率低 专家称空着可做欣赏用 由 095 于 2014-06-16, 05:30:47:

should ask themeselves this question:

are you really against the specific issue (say bad air, traffic jam, px, GMO, high speed train, nuc or hydro power etc) or just use it as an excuse to bash ccp?

i have a simple answer:

change china to india, if they do it differently, then you have a legitimate claim against chinese government

say internet censorship.

but not bad air, new dehli is no better, even india is far less developed, it's as a big, if not bigger, headache fro them than for china. so on this issue, the whole nation is to blame, government and most citizens



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