you know how hard to establish causation in epidemiology


送交者: kma 于 2015-03-03, 15:53:34:

回答: PM2.5 有可能比吸烟更致癌 由 1FD7 于 2015-03-03, 15:12:41:

just look back at anti-smoking history, how hard for science and then society to turn the tide.

we need science to do more on air pollution, but we certainly don't have to wait on how to deal with smoking!

now you might think anti-smoking should be well educated, it might be true in advanced nations, but certainly not in china. most smokers don't know smoking can be "that" bad!

one example, most studies say in average smoking one cigarette shortens lifespan 10-15 min, but in a good BJ hospital I saw the poster far downplayed it, like a pack=30-60 min.

china is not serious about fighting smoking. and compared with all the ways to improve health, cost-benefit, pros and cons, nothing is better than spending efforts on anti-smoking, not even close



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