"We the People" is from the Consitution Preamble


送交者: steven 于 2013-05-14, 16:39:23:

回答: ZT:成都美领馆 谈谈白宫 “请愿” 网站的规定 由 伊犁 于 2013-05-14, 16:20:43:

It said: "We the People of the United States" It is a platform for citizen engagement, http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2013/02/05/announcing-we-people-20-and-white-house-hackathon It is up to the court, when challenged to interpret whether it requires a citizenship. However, typical petitions are all related to public policies, elections and etc. In these cases, citizenship is required for signer. So go figure how you interpret it.



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