Data interpretation for Dummies - how to explain Liaoning's death rate.


送交者: steven 于 2013-10-29, 11:44:45:

A dummy put his foot in his mouth asking for data, since he asserted there was no massive death for malnutrition in Liaoning between 1959 to 1961.

A study by Lin and Yang provided analysis for the Agriculture Crisis in China during Great Leap Forward, Lin and Yang 1998 provided data for the death rate in Liaoning during 1958 is 6.6 per 1000, and during 59 to 61, the death rate were 11.8 11.5 17.5 all per thousand. and the average death of 62 and 63 is 8.2
The data indicated the death rate almost doubled in 59 and 60, and almost tripled in 61 comparing to 58. These numbers were the official number provided by the Chinese government. As a reference the war torn Afghanistan's death rate in 2012 is about 14,

Now for the dummy, there is a desperate need to resolve his claim. So here are some suggestions:

1)The death rate was wrong since the dummy has never heard of anyone died in Liaoning.
2) The Russian sent dead bodies to Liaoning as part of the food aid to help out the death rate.
3) The almost doubled or tripled death rate were due to the fact that they were too happy and laugh themselves to dead.
4) Food poisoning due to Russian contaminated food aid.
5) they ate too much and died.
6) please add some reasons no matter how ridiculous, as long as, the death wasn't due to starvation that will work for the dummy.

CRISIS AND THE GREAT LEAP FAMINE, China Economic Review, Volume 9, Number 2, 1998, pages 125-140



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