A bunch of liberal lies only liberals believe


送交者: qm 于 2017-02-20, 08:51:40:

回答: 看了这个所谓总统的所做所为,还需要争论? 由 热干面 于 2017-02-20, 07:55:58:

You are full of liberal lies:

1. travel ban:

It is not a ban. The truth is: It is 90 day temporary suspension to implement vetting system. There is nothing wrong with it.

2. 总统的至高权力不容挑战.

Did he say that? Or remotely hint that? You are full of it.

3 Russian connection.

What Russian connection is it?

4 the wall, 先是老莫买单,现在是我们买单

The wisdom of the wall is debatable. The idea of stopping illegal immigrant is right.

5 提名没有教育经历的人当教育部长,讨厌环境法规的人主持EPA

There is no need to have 教育经历 to be 教育部长. Actually, there is no need to have 教育部长 either. 讨厌 liberal 环境法规 is exactly the right attitude to lead EPA.

6 媒体是美国人民的敌人.

Who said that? You? Actually, media is so corrupt by liberals right now it a danger to democracy.

7 给自己的私人俱乐部涨价,然后用它做business

Why do you have problem with someone doing anything with their 私人俱乐部? It is none of your business.



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