

送交者: shine 于 2010-01-13, 22:12:18:

回答: 是这样的。不过你要是 由 Eiin 于 2010-01-13, 22:03:12:

或者能制造一种情景的,emotion driving 的那类。 比如这首,一个不太有名的美国黑人诗人写的。这首对俺已经算长的了,喜欢最后几句,这个男人很柔情,无疑他是同性恋。

Reginald Shepherd

A quick wind weeding the sky
when we step through the glass door,
clouds plucked and swept from sight

A full moon sets out repairing
the night, putting streetlights
in their proper place

The dandelions are foreigners
like me, some yellowed, some gone
to gray: all stragglers, late for sleep

And we have grown deciduous,
losing our leaves, letting down
our green and palmate

in preparations for December,
for this and for all year,
our naked branched evasions,

your fingers warming mine
If the world were an experiment,
you would still be waiting



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